Senin, 28 April 2014


Gembira Loka Zoo is a zoo in Yogyakarta. Gembira Loka means a place for fun. The Gembira Loka’s address in Jl. Kebun Raya no 2 Yogyakarta 55171 Indonesia. In there are any variety of species from around the world, look like  orangutan , Asian elephant , chimpanzees , tigers , and etc.
In 2006 gembira loka broken because earthquake. But, after the renovation Gembira Loka still crowded by tourists. Gembira Loka open everyday, on sunday and holiday at 08.00 – 19.00 PM, and on monday – saturday at 08.00 – 17.30 PM. Price of the ticket in holiday is Rp 20.000, then in normal day is Rp 15.000.
First idea of the construction of botanical garden and Gembira Loka zoo come from Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII in 1933 about a place of recreations, then will be called Kebun Rojo. The idea is be realized by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX by the help from Ir. Karsten, the architect from Netherland. Then he choose the location in the west Winongo river, because it is ideal place to construction the Kebun Rojo. But, impact of world war II and the occupation by Japanese, it make the constuction of Kebun Rojo is stopped.
In 1953, with the establishment of the Gembira Loka Yogyakata Foundation (appropriate on notarial  deed RM. Wiranto no. 11 dates 10 September 1953) with the presided by Sri Paduka KGPAA Paku Alam VIII, so the construction of Kebun Rojo which delayed can to realized. In 1959, KGPAA Paku Alam VIII appointed Tirtowinoto to continuing the construction Gembira Loka Zoo. Tirtowinoto choosen because he love with nature and he interested with construction of Gembira Loka. Tirtowinoto can bring the Gembira Loka Zoo to progressing.
 Gembira Loka builded on land 2 hectare and some is a protected forest. Gembira Loka has more than 100 species among them is 61 species of flora. Facility in Gembira Loka Zoo :
  • Water bike
  • Capture pool
  • Crank boat
  • Mini train
  • Catamaran Ship “Dugong”
  • Mayang Tirta
  • Toilet
  • Free Wi-Fi Zone
  • ATV and Bike Arena
  • Reptile and Amphibian Park
  • Laboratory Gembira Loka (Museum)
  • Trash and overgrown trees for shelter
  • Mosque
Source : Click here

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